
Showing posts from September, 2017

Classroom Tour 2017-2018

Well, I should have known! It has been over a month since I have blogged. Somehow every year I allow myself to forget how crazy August & September can be. They are crazy in a good way, but crazy nonetheless. August was full of a week of PD (mostly upper elementary writing and science), two weeks of inservice on campus, and then there was that crazy Hurricane Harvey the weekend before school finally started on August 29th. I have a long list of things I want to share with you, but perhaps most important is a classroom tour. Below I have included some pictures of my room with any explanations necessary. Please enjoy and feel free to ask any questions! This is the view of my door. You will notice the balls and the chairs. This is simply the easiest place for me to store the balls when not in use because they roll all over the room. Those desks are a work place where students may choose to work but they double as a table for me to leave out hand outs, etc. The chairs are availa