To Theme or Not To Theme?

Does your classroom have a theme? I'm not sure which came first, Pinterest or the classroom theme but I remember the summer I discovered that classrooms were supposed to have themes. I had just been hired for my first teaching position (thankfully at a school I have loved so much that I've never left). I was hired in June and of course I didn't begin until August so I had one long summer to collect supplies and prepare for my first classroom ever, my very own space.

Having never set up my own classroom before, I began spending hours on Pinterest looking at classroom furniture, set ups, decorations, etc. It became painfully obvious that classrooms were meant to have themes. I immediately texted my girl friends from grad school wondering what their themes would be? Camping theme, woodland creatures, etc. were the responses I got. No wonder, those were all things I had seen on Pinterest.

Being the San Antonio transplant that I am, I settled on a Texas/Fiesta theme and I went wild. I grabbed papel picado banners from the downtown Mexican Market. I purchased colorful paper flowers, floral fabric, you name it, I bought it. And of course, this was before I received a single paycheck. Then I got into that room and meticulously set up my library and began decorating. Did my room look great? I think so. Was it necessary? Absolutely not.

In the years since I have always enjoyed decorating my room and using the summer time to scour Instagram (not so much a Pinterest girl anymore) to gather new inspiration and ideas for my room. I have however begun to prioritize purchases around something other than a than an explicit theme and instead focused more on creating an inviting space that 1. I love and 2. will make room to develop a loving classroom community.

If you're debating whether or not to theme or not to theme this year, here are some things to consider:

I'll admit, when I am asked about my classroom, I often explain my theme as Mexican Fiesta, but truthfully it's transformed into more of what I would call a bright, inviting space. I've kept some decorations over the years and I've purged some decorations. As I embark on my fourth year of teaching and shop for things I know I'll need for my room, I have shifted my obsession with a theme to a focus on creating an inviting space. This year, I'll set up some fiesta decorations and use bright colors, but all in an effort to create an inviting space!
Theme or no theme, shift your focus from a room that exudes Pinterest or Instagram beauty to creating a space that fosters community with your kids. In the end, you and your students will remember the fun and learning and laughter you share together, not the fact that the alphabet on the wall matched the labels on their book boxes.

Good luck! I can't wait to hear about and see the beautiful spaces you create!


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